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How do I update my Credit Card info?


If you have a recurring subscription paid by Credit card, you update your credit card details through our payment processor, CCDeb.

To do that, you first log in at

The login information is your e-mail address and the (8-character minimum) password you choose yourself at the time of sign up. (Not the password to the newsgroup service.) If you have forgotten the password, they have a "Lost login" function via a link just below the login form on the CCDeb website.)

After you log in, you see a list of the subscriptions you have through CCDeb. Click on the "Active" link under "Status" to the right in the list for the subscription you need to update.

You are then presented with the details for that subscription, including the billing info. By the credit card data is another link, "change". If you click that you get to another form where you can change credit card and update your info for that subscription.

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 2014-04-22 12:50:03
Views: 13326
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.5/5.0 (46)

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